Social Media Etiquette When Approaching Entertainment Business Contacts


Somehow, somewhere in the crazy Facebook, MySpace and Twitter generation, musicians, artists, actors/actresses, writers and any person looking to catch a break in the entertainment industry have forgotten how to be polite, courteous and how to stand out and be noticed.  Now instead of artists/entertainers sending unsolicited packages to the offices of labels, managers, booking agents and PR reps, they spam our in boxes with unsolicited MySpace pages before they even say hi.  There is no asking permission if they may send something or even asking what they should send.  They just send their MySpace page without a thought as to what it looks like, what info we need to see or even if we are looking for any acts or what type.  Some just ask us to review and give an opinion instead of realizing #1 we don’t have time, #2 we charge for consultation and most importantly #3 it takes time away from our current roster and family. They expect us to look and listen to their pages along with the 300 hundred others we got that day.

Here are some social networking tips for all entertainment people trying to make it.  If you want to connect with someone on Twitter or any other social networking site, get to know him or her first. Do your research to make sure you understand what they do; you shouldn’t approach a manager about booking, as it isn’t what they provide for their clients. Don’t be an annoyance and bug them all the time.  Just because they helped you once, doesn’t mean they will do it again for free. Respect what they provide and expect to pay for advice and consultation.  Often we will give you some tips to help you out, we all like to share our knowledge, but we have to make a living too.  Never just send a MySpace, Facebook or Reverbnation page without asking permission and please make sure you understand what goes into a press kit or electronic press kit (EPK) before you send it.  Please make sure whatever you send looks as professional as possible. Don’t ever make them do the research on you or say just “Google” me.  They don’t have the time and will just toss your stuff in the trash.  It is your job to present yourself in the best way possible with the most accurate, informational and professional package you can provide. There are all kinds of free info on the Internet to find out what that particular music industry person will want to see.  If you can’t take the time to approach people correctly and professionally with your best foot forward, then you shouldn’t expect them to think you take your hopeful career seriously.

Please be aware of their space and time.  Be respectful and take your burgeoning career seriously, especially if you want others to!

  1. As much as I can understand right now, I think you’re right!

  2. Wow! This is a perfect article for ALL people in this industry to read. This is amazing David. Thank you for writing this, I will be promoting this article often if you don’t mind. This NEEDS to be read. Upcoming artists 9 times out of 10 don’t approach us correctly. Thank you for this!

    • Thank you so much:) I am just trying to educate as I can:)

  3. David ~ This is a good one. There is a loss of boundaries for everyone using the social networks. We seem to be “on-call” in all professions 24/7 simply because we have an on-line presence.

    The entire network is evolving as people learn how to utilize the technologies and manage their time.

    Nice to learn more. Keep sharing when you can.

    Have a beautiful day

    • Thank you for reading the blog Debbie! People need to realize that we all need space even online:)

  4. David this is well said and hopefully the musicians that read it will realize how lucky they are to even be given this insight.

    • Thanks Steve, A lot of musicians argue with me and tell me that they have to be different and I guess that means being obtrusive!

  5. Hey David, this is a great article. Respect, respect, respect….people too often ignore that concept. First impressions are everything and if you don’t take that seriously, and you have respect – why should your contacts take you seriously.

    You rock and I hope lots of musicians and entertainers read this!

    • Lisa,

      Thank you for reading this and the kind words! I truly appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to do that!

  6. I really loved this article. It’s annoying to see people disrespecting this all the time. Someone certain people only hone in on the “social” aspect of social networking. If it’s not how you would approach someone face-to-face, why do so on the computer? I’ll continue to pass this one on.

    • Thank you Fetesha! I greatly appreciate it:)

  7. i probably would not have assumed this had been great one or two years back nevertheless it’s interesting how time adjusts the manner by which you understand unique creative concepts, thank you with regard to the piece of writing it truly is enjoyable to start reading something intelligent occasionally in lieu of the common nonsense mascarading as blogs on the internet, cheers

    • Thank you very much for the compliment and taking time to read my blog!

  8. I just want to say how enjoyable your blog has been, in a world where there are countless mediocre blogs, yours stands out because you have passion regarding your subject. Lawrence

    • Wow! Thank you Lawrence:) I am humbled at the compliment!

  9. This applies outside of the music industry. I am bombarded with solicitors through SMO! No hello, adding interesting insight to the topic, just do you want to sell my product, promote my book, link to me, whatever… I’m not in the music industry but I defiantly am going to read more of your blog.

  10. Finally – someone actually understands!!!! David, I think I’m going to be reading your blog much more often. As someone who try’s his best to help out the “little guy” trying to “break into the business”, I see these mistakes almost a hundred times a day. Thanks so much for saying what needed to be said – you just made the Pink and Purple Polka Dotted Elephant in the corner get noticed!


    • Robert,

      Thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog! I am glad you found this helpful and some form of validation lol. Keep educating the masses!

  11. Thumbs up!

  12. Wow! This is a perfect article for ALL people in this industry to read.
    The entire network is evolving as people learn how to utilize the technologies and manage their time.

  13. Really interesting article. Thank you for passing some time with a great read.

  14. Fantastic Website! I wondered if I would be able site some of your pages and use a few things for a term paper. Please let me know through email whether or not that would be fine. Thanks

  15. Great Article! This should be the common sense approach people take, but they don’t. They forget that Agencies and Managers are in business- and they are people. 🙂

  16. Very helpful and vital information. Thank you so much for this article.

  17. It takes a village to raise talent. Great article 🙂

    • Thank you very much for reading it and the compliment!

  18. In an age where the word ‘etiquette’ has fallen victim to the delete button, it’s refreshing to see someone waving the manners banner. I’ve lost so many fellow industry people on Facebook for this reason alone – even after clearly stating they don’t want unsolicited material. Great job at writing an article that reaches through the computer screen to slap sense into those that have none. GloVee would be proud. ~Barbara Spiegel, CEO inDp.r.

    • Thank you for reading my blog and the complement!

  19. Wonderful article! This is so very true, even as someone in the social media business I myself get bombarded with links to view etc. This to me is not engagement and if artists and bands would like to gain more fans not just a record deal, take some time to connect and engage with the person you are requesting to hear your music.

    Thank you for this post!!

    • Felicia,

      Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you find other ones as useful! I appreciate your comments:)

  20. Thanks! I’m taking notes.


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