#Rubicon Cross

Musician Spotlight – Chris Green

This is the first in a new series of blogs on musicians that I come across that our agency feels deserve some recognition not only for their talent but their work ethic and what they bring to the music community.  We are honored to have Chris Green be the first musician that we spotlight.

I came across guitarist Chris Green when I had his band “Rubicon Cross”on my radio show “Live From Music City.” “Rubicon Cross” is a project featuring Green and fellow musician “Firehouse” front man C J Snare. Green has been a guest on my show twice and I have talked on the phone with him to really dig into his views on guitar playing, music, songwriting and the music business in general. I have also recently done a review of the “Rubicon Cross” self-titled EP and have really had the chance to analyze his playing and songwriting.

Green is one of the guitar players in the UK metal band “Furyon.” He has also played guitar with the Nelson brother’s creation “Scrap Metal” and has done tour dates with “Firehouse” when needed. Green played in a band called “Pride” that put out two albums on AOR Heaven (Germany) and EMI (Japan) titled “Far from the Edge” and “Signs of Purity.” Green also recorded all the guitar solos on the “Faith Healer” CD “Welcome to the Edge of the World.” Recently he recorded with vocalist Phil Lewis of “L.A. Guns” fame on the song “You’re so Vain” on the new “Liberty n’ Justice” project. Finally, Green played lead guitar on the cover of “Go Off” with the band “Evolution” from legendary speed metal band “Cacophony” on Jason Becker’s CD “Warmth In The Wilderness – A Tribute to Jason Becker.”

Green studied guitar at GIT in London and prospered under the tutelage of guitar virtuoso Shaun Baxter. Becoming well versed in many styles of guitar playing such as jazz and country music, rock became his main genre that he excelled in. Green was heavily influenced by John Petrucci of “Dream Theater’s” use of octave displacement as a key to his soloing style. Green is always constantly working on his improvisation to be as melodic as possible, while fresh and original in his playing. Green strives to improve in all areas of his musicianship constantly. It’s a refreshing trait among metal guitar players and sorely needed. Baxter says this about Green “I’ve been very impressed with Chris’ work with Furyon. He’s an ultra-proficient modern rock player, who is melodic and expressive with a great sound.”

Green is one of those guitar players that “get it.” He understands songwriting, melody, harmony and putting the song first as opposed to showing your chops every chance you get. His technical skills stack up against most of the guitar greats but so does his phrasing, which to me is the most impressive thing. Green really focuses on playing for the song and not putting to many notes in a solo. He is able to tell a story within a story and also how to arrange songs with interesting and very memorable guitar parts. He is one of those rare players that he is so good at what he does you don’t notice how good he really is. He takes his music seriously and makes sure the song is the most important thing.

I personally think that Green could be the next guitar hero. Up and coming players should listen and learn from Chris Green.  One of Green’s philosophies of playing a solo is “if you take away the chords, you should still be able to hear the changes in your solo with nothing underneath it.” While this is not a new philosophy, it is something rarely found in most rock and metal musicians. One of the great things about Green is you can learn as much from what he doesn’t play in his songs as what he does play.

Currently on a creative high for writing, Green’s main focus is writing music with C J Snare to complete the “Rubicon Cross” CD. He is also working on music for a new project he is calling Space Warf which he calls kind of a throwback to old school British heavy metal.

Here are some songs featuring Green’s songwriting, playing and stage performance in the videos with his band “Furyon.” Check out the rest of his work as well to understand the well roundedness he brings to the guitar world. Make no mistake; Green is the total package and a rising star to keep your eye on.

“Furyon” – “Disappear Again

“Furyon” – “Voodoo Me

“Furyon” – “Wasted On You

At the time of this writing Chris Green and The Lowry Agency have no affiliation.

People In The Industry Who Make A Difference

People In The Industry Who Make A Difference

Livin’ For Tomorrow

I want to take a moment to recognize people that interact with my business and that make my life a lot easier by being professional, working hard and doing it for the love of music. First and foremost, I want to thank my staff at The Lowry Agency. There is no way on this planet I could do what we do without them. I owe them everything and realize they make me look way better than I really am. I am so proud to be working with them and so very thankful for all that they do for me and for actually believing in what we do.

In a previous blog I wrote about Ray and Patti LeGrande (http://www.facebook.com/NashvilleMetalBands.) I just want to mention them again real quick because as we have gotten to know each other better, I can see I wasn’t wrong. They are not only great for the local rock/metal scene in Nashville; these are two people who truly care about everyone on a personal level. They are real, more real than most people I have ever met. I am truly blessed to call them friends first and business associates second. Thank you Ray and Patti!

One of the musicians that always steps up to the plate for me and helps is CJ Snare, the lead singer of “Firehouse” and “Rubicon Cross.” CJ has been a guest on “Live From Music City” 4 times and one of those as a co-host. A couple weeks ago, when a show was about to be cancelled, CJ stepped up to the plate with one hour and ten minutes to go, got his friend Chris Green to come on the show and knocked it out of the park again. CJ is always a great guest and such a gracious person. He truly adds a lot to every broadcast we do and it such a pleasure to have him on and we always have a blast. I have never, ever heard CJ utter a negative thing. He is as professional as they come. Thank you CJ for not being an unreachable person and looking past yourself to help others and spread your knowledge.

The one person here in Nashville that I think gets nowhere near the recognition she should is Dungeon Bonnie with Dungeon Promotions (www.dungeonpromotions.com.) This woman does so much promotion for the local scene and most definitely all for the love of music because she isn’t getting rich off of the industry here. Bonnie works harder than just about anyone I have ever scene and does it for so many bands. If one band put as much work into their career as Bonnie did in theirs, they might get somewhere. I am even more impressed because from what I see, most bands don’t appreciate her enough and really take advantage of her and yet she keeps plugging on, so here is a note to those bands. Get off your lazy butts, promote your shows that she does for you, quit ruining her reputation with your crappy online and in person behavior and work hard so that you actually get people to show up to a show she put you on so her business will grow. There is no point in her helping you if you aren’t going to take advantage of it and actually make something happen at a show she booked you on. It’s her reputation for the talent she brings in and if you don’t bring in fans, she shouldn’t be booking you anymore. And please don’t give me the its Nashville BS, Fools For Rowan kick your butts every time they play here. People, who want it, find a way to make it happen. Bonnie the Nashville rock and metal scene owe you a huge debt over the last couple years so let me thank you on behalf of them.

Bob Bender (www.bobbenderproductions.com) not only has been a guest many times on “Live From Music City,” but I have had the pleasure of listening to Bob speak at several events here in Nashville. Not only is Bob wiling to help and answer questions with people like me but also the local artist. There aren’t a whole lot people that to do that. Here’s to Bob and his willingness to help the scene grow just by being nice and always helping out the little guy!

Another person that I love working with that not only helps to get the word out with the major acts in rock and metal, but also small independent bands is Holly Jade with Metalholic Magazine (www.metalholicmagazine.com.) Holly is a great person, promoter and she also has the strength to keep pushing people in an industry where people can get burnt out real quick. Holly has also co-hosted “Live From Music City” with me once and hopefully with do it again.  Thank you Holly for all you do!

Dan Shaw with Dream Row Productions (www.dreamrow.com) has come along way in his time here with the Nashville scene. Not only has he created the “Rock Over Broadway” series at the Hard Rock Cafe, he constantly is looking to work with other professionals to take the local scene to new heights at his own expense. It has been great to get to know him and work on a few things with him. Stay tuned  for great things to come from Dream Row Productions in the near future! Dan, thank you for all your support and hard work!

So again I want to thank each and every one of you. You do make a huge difference in the music scene and I for one am a better person for knowing all of you. You make the job of The Lowry Agency a lot easier because you are top-notch professionals! Of course there are more to mention and I don’t want to leave anyone out but I will leave it for another blog.

Let’s make it happen!