“Live From Music City’s” 1 year anniversary special featuring guitar virtouso Neil Zaza, Bob Bender and special guest co-host CJ Snare of “Firehouse”
“Live From Music City,” a weekly radio show that airs on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm CST on blog talk radio (www.blogtalkradio.com/live-from-music-city) celebrates its one year anniversary Tuesday, March 15. The guest lineup for this special broadcast includes guitar virtuoso Neil Zaza in support of his new CD release “212” and to discuss his music career, and guest host CJ Snare, lead singer of “Firehouse” who will be releasing their greatest hits “The Collection” in spring of 2011. http://www.prlog.org/11360062-live-from-music-city-1-year-anniversary-with-guitar-virtuoso-neil-zaza-and-cj-snare-of-firehouse.html