Where Do You Find The Strength?

This is for all of the entertainers and business people out there who feel like they are doing this all alone. When you believe in yourself but you feel overwhelmed or life is trying to beat you down, how do you find the strength to keep chasing the dream? When you have no real support system or someone to drive you or believe in you, how do you keep going? These are things that many of us have to struggle with everyday, even if we aren’t alone, but for those that are, it can seem insurmountable.  For many their religion may be a big support here but I don’t want to get into that debate for this blog although a persons faith should play a big part.

I am a firm believer that activity breeds’ activity and it’s that activity that can really give you the boost you need when things seem hard. Activity keeps things happening and popping up on your radar, which helps to keep the excitement and productivity there. But what happens when you hit a slow patch or the money just isn’t coming in? How do you cope when you feel like you are doing this all alone, month after month or year after year? When you can’t pay your bills or even afford to take the next step in your career?

For those of you like me that don’t have a family or loved ones to support you or your best friends aren’t anywhere near you, let me suggest trying to really stay focused on your goals. When life’s problems creep up on us, if we do nothing it will just get worse so we have to do something. Setting your goals and meditating on them daily can really help you stay motivated through the hard times.  Keep taking those little steps everyday to make something happen and be diligent. Don’t let things fall through the cracks and let the momentum grow to carry you through.

Many times you can’t rely on anyone else and you have to be able and willing to push yourself hard enough to get through anything. Making lists of tasks to get done no matter how small can really help boost your mood and help develop good working habits and discipline. It’s usually a lack or break down of this discipline that gets us into trouble or never allows us to really get the footing we need to make things happen.

Ultimately it’s only you that can make the necessary change. In this business you have to want it more than anything sometimes to force yourself through the dire straits of life. Develop good working habits and also develop an accountability partner you can call on if you are at all able to. Other than that, focus on your goals daily, performs your tasks and do all the things your career needs to have done, not just the easy things or the ones you are good at. Part of not dropping the ball is doing the tasks that you hate doing. It’s here you will find the most success usually. Once you get things moving again, the weight lifts and your productivity increases. Now it’s just a matter of not falling in a rut again so keep the discipline up. Some times even finding another artist going through what you are going through and encouraging them will do the same for you. Give it a try!

Good luck!

  1. Thank you David! 🙂

    This was exactly the kind of inspiration I needed today. Hearing that others too go through similar thought processes of feeling sometimes overwhelmed by the amount that goes into achieving music goals has encouraged me to believe that with patience and hard work, comes results.

    • You are very welcome! I am glad your found it helpful and thank you so much for reading it! Please pass it along!

  2. David this truly is a remarkable piece, written so well and really hit home with me! After losing my musician husband of 22 years, still have elderly parents though, I find my inspiration to carry on daily through music and others thoughts! Tell Damon hi for me, and thank you for lifting my spirits today!

    • Kaye,

      First of all I am sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for reading this piece and I very happy you found it uplifting! I will convey your message as well 🙂



  3. Thank you for you insight, not just on this topic, but many others as well. Trying to live my dream has been tough, but your blogs help put things into perspective…

    • Thanks for taking the time to view my blogs Jay! Much appreciated and please share them!


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