All Things Zombie – Reloaded Now Available For Purchase

The 2006 Origins Award winning miniatures game is released to the public with many expanded features.
Sept. 2015 – New Braunfels TX — Two Hour Wargames ( in association with Lock ’n Load Publishing ( is excited to announce the release of “All Things Zombie – Reloaded,” an expanded 2nd Edition of the 2006 Origins Awards winning game All Things Zombie. Designed by Ed Teixeira, “All Things Zombie – Reloaded” has introduced new elements to this already exciting game requiring players not only to join other players in surviving, but also work against them as well as dealing with new survivors, militias and gangs. The world is even more dangerous than before as it isn’t just zombies players must worry about surviving against.
“All Things Zombie – Reloaded” is designed so that players can play it co-operatively, against one another or even as a solitaire game. It includes the ability to play it as a one-time game or as part of a larger campaign allowing players to delve deeper into the experience and create a world of their own.
“We’re pleased to announce the release of All Things Zombie – Reloaded, our board game based on the Origins Award Winning Miniatures game of the same title.” States Ed Teixeira.
The game includes:
• A full set of color counters including Survivors, Gangers, and Militia characters, as well as a wide range of weapons and loot that you can find during your games.
• A set of Event Cards that provide all the info you need at a glance, from friends, enemies, zombies, loot and more.
• Newly designed Player Aid cards to help you keep track of your characters and their “stuff”.
• An easy to use campaign system that ties all your games together where the results of one affects the results of the next.
• Six 11” x 17” maps that can be laid out in over 50 different ways, making each game unique.
• Specific objectives that provide ways for your characters to increase in skill and ability when they succeed.
• All this and more.
• 25 Event Cards
• 6 – 11”x 17” Maps
• 20 Character cards
• 88 Counters
Get more information or purchase All Things Zombie – Reloaded from its official product page (
Check out the promotional video on YouTube ( and be sure to subscribe to the Two Hour Wargame channels to see more promo videos. Box art and other art assets are available by contacting
THW Game Design, parent company of Two Hour Wargames, has published over 70 games. We have been in business since 1998 and have won an Origins Award for Best Miniatures Game of the Year 2006 – All Things Zombie as well as other awards.
Lock ’n Load Publishing, LLC. are a leading developer-publisher in both the table top and video games. Since 2006 Lock ’n Load Publishing has developed and published 75+ of historical, strategy and fantasy games with many award-winning titles in their portfolio spanning both digital and table top platforms. Lock ’n Load Publishing’s mission is to provide new game designs and redefine how people play games.
Media Inquires for Two Hour Wargames:
Contact: David Lowry
Official Press Release here: